
Warning: File too big please keep below 300KB and no more than 1000px height or width in Open Cart

warning file too big

When uploading images for products in Open cart you might face following warning message:

“Warning: File too big please keep below 300KB and no more than 1000px height or width”

It is actually because of the upload limit set in Open Cart i.e. 300KB and no more than 1000px in width or height.

To resolve this issue, just follow the steps below:

1) Fist of all, login to your cPanel and then access File manager. (You can access your files from an FTP software i.e. CuteFTP or FileZilla etc.)

2) Then edit filemanager.php file, which is under: /home/username/public_html/admin/controller/common directory.

3) When the file is opened for edit, search following piece of code:

if ($this->request->files['image']['size'] > 300000) {
$json['error'] = $this->language->get('error_file_size');

4) And change the value of 300000 to your desired value. (the value you are editing is in KBs (kilobytes))

And you have done it!

Now you’ll not face file too big issue in open cart and can upload the images of the sized you have set.

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